

问:《 生死场 》读后感,读书笔记,概括大意
  1. 答:这是一个多么惨绝人寰的故事啊!原本好好的村庄被残忍的鬼子毁灭了。我对侵略者的仇恨加深了,当侵略者再次踏进我国领土时,我必定会勇往直前、奋勇抗敌、保卫祖国。现在的我只有发愤图强、努力学习,才能将自己的绵薄之力奉献给祖国。困难时期生活很艰难,再想想今日不愁吃、不愁穿,过着锦衣玉食生活的我们,就更应该同情困难时期的人们,就更应该珍惜现在的美好时光。
  2. 答:天地不仁,以万物为刍狗
  1. 答:(1)萧红《生死场》的基本内容
  1. 答:Talk about the consciousness summaries of women in Xiao Hong " field of life and death ": Xiao Hong is a authoress of extremely rich talent, " field of life and death " was the her ing famous and doing that did in the middle period of 1930s. Author portray Mapo son, old woman, gold branch, monthly Great Britain, five aunt Wang woman image among the novel, through to the portrayal of the women's image, have unfolded the miserable experience oppressing women under in the feudal man right thought to us, have announce deeply that causes the origins of women's miserable circumstances, has not merely carried on the strong accusation to the feudal Confucian or feudal ethical codes, and is calling women's self- awakening. Keyword: <>; Women's consciousness; Realistic meaning
  2. 答:Title: Female consciousness in Xiao Hong’s <Life and Death to Biography >
    Abstract: Xiao Hong was an authoress full of ability. The novel <Life and Death to Biography > made her well-known was written in middle 1930s, in which fleck carline, grandma Wang, Jin Zhi, Yue Ying, Aunie Wu were depicted. Through depiction of these women, the novel shows us the miserable encounter to women under the conception of androcentrism in feudatorial society. It deeply opens out the cause of miserable encounter to these women. It charges strongly to the feudatorial etiquette and makes a vocation of women self-arousal as well.
    Key Words: <Life and Death to Biography >; female consciousness; realism significance
  3. 答:Title: the women's consciousness in Xiao hong’s "field of life and death"
    Summary: Xiao hong was an extraordinarily talent authoress, with the novel "field of life and death" which was indited in the mid 1930's and made her famous. by portraying the female roles such as the maidservant Ma、old women Wang、Jinzhi、Yueying and the fifth aunt, the author disclosed women's miserable lives under the oppression of feudal society of sexism, profundly revealed the origin of women's tragedy, had not only made a strong accusation against the feudal Confucian, but also called for women's consciousness
